"Mosaic"is the Aucouturier Psychomotor Practice Center (PPA®) in our territory. promotesand implements the Psychomotor Practice at the educational / preventive level on the basisof the theoretical-practical orientation developed, in 50 years of research and activity, by Prof. Bernard Aucouturier. Proposes and implements Psychomotor Practice with girls and children, deepens research since understanding the world of children, of characters and maturation processes is
fundamental to appreciate the meaning and objectives of the Practice Psychomotor.
The Centro "Mosaico" collaborates with local schools, with affiliated centers or private individuals dealing with the mental and functional maturation of girls and of children, of disturbances and delays in the processes of development, and with the educators who in various capacities offer services for children.

The Center therefore carries out the following activities:

Educational psychomotor

Aimed at all children from 2 to 7/8 years. It is an accompaniment to a harmonious growth through the way of spontaneous play.

Educational-preventive psychomotor

Aimed at those children who they show temporary fragility of development.

Practice Projects Educational psychomotor

Within nests and schools childhood of the surrounding area.

Cultural evenings a theme open to all

For info send e-mail to: jmarcantognini@gmail.com or call +39 351 9015515

Street Borgognina, 30 61030 Lucrezia (PU)

That what is the PPA® (Aucouturier Psychomotor Practice)
Psychomotor Practice is born in France about forty years ago by Prof. Bernard Aucouturier, it has also developed in Italy since the 1970s and is practiced by specialists who have attended three-year training courses at the Schools Italian Psycho-Practice Practices recognized by the EIA (Ecole Internationale Aucouturier) with scientific supervision and direct participation of the Prof. B. Aucouturier himself. Psychomotor Practice is based on some fundamental conceptions about the person and his way of being. It considers the person in a "global" way or as a close union between structure
somatic, affective and cognitive, respects the originality of his being / acting, recognizes "psychomotor expression" as its specific way of being, yes deals with the relationship with the other, same age and adult, providing the tools necessary to face it positively, diversifying them in relation to age.
Psychomotor practice is aimed at welcoming and responding to the needs of the child by helping him in
its normal evolutionary path or in difficult situations.
Encourages the development of expressive, creative and communicative potential related both to the field motor, symbolic / cognitive and affective / relational.
In the psychomotor room the child can receive listening and help his own needs, whether yes in the context of normal development, whether they are in the area of disturbance and difficulty of relationship, communication, cognitive, affective etc.)
Psychomotor Practice Aucouturier offers the child the possibility of a growth space that supports and integrates the scholastic and family one. Although differentiated from them, it is at the same time complementary and dialectical helping adults who accompany children and youngsters in the process of maturation and growth (parents, educators, teachers, etc.) to deepen their knowledge and follow them evolution during the psychomotor experience.